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Saturday, December 2, 2023

Iron Flame in pdf

 Iron Flame


Iron Flame is a 2023 new adult fantasy novel by American author Rebecca Yarros. It is the second book in the Empyrean series, a planned five-book series.



Background :


The second installment in the Empyrean series was released on November 7, 2023. The storyline continues where the first book ended. Violet has to use the abilities she learned during Threshing at Basgiath War College and achieve her true power, even though the vice commandant is determined to show her how weak she is.



Plot :


The plot centers on Violet Sorrengail, a 20-year-old student enrolled in the Basgiath War College with aspirations of becoming a skilled dragon rider. Despite facing physical challenges, Violet's unwavering determination and sharp intellect cast her as a formidable protagonist. The story unfolds as Violet struggles with the rigorous training regimen at the war college. The narrative takes a turn with the introduction of a new vice commandant, whose mission is to impart lessons of powerlessness to Violet, pushing the boundaries of her endurance and loyalty, particularly concerning her love interest. Yarros crafts a narrative interwoven with themes of strength, love, and concealed truths, building towards a revelation that has the potential to alter the destiny of Basgiath War College and its inhabitants.


Reception :


The book received widespread acclaim upon its release day, selling over half a million copies. Iron Flame generated significant buzz online and offline with 200 Barnes & Noble stores throughout the USA organizing midnight release parties for the book, including a notable event in New York City attended by Yarros. In addition to these official gatherings, independent bookstores hosted their own celebrations, quickly running out of tickets due to the high demand.


After the release, many readers pointed out that their copies of Iron Flame had a variety of misprints. These included spines that read Fourth Wing instead of Iron Flame and covers that had the title and author's name printed upside down. Other readers said there were pages inside of the book printed the wrong way, or out of order. Entangled Publishing agreed to exchange the misprinted books.


In November 2023, Iron Flame was ranked #1 national fiction bestseller by Publishers Weekly.



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